NX Automotive Logistics (China) Takes Part in Tree-planting Activity in Guangzhou City

- 50 Saplings Planted in Celebration of "National Tree Planting Day" -

TOKYO, March 26, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- Nippon Express Automotive Logistics (China) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter, NX Automotive Logistics (China)), a group company of NIPPON EXPRESS HOLDINGS, INC., participated in a tree-planting activity organized by the Guangzhou City Huangpu District Federation of Trade Unions on Sunday, March 9.

Logo: https://kyodonewsprwire.jp/img/202503246176-O2-O0k1Su5U

Group photo of participants: https://cdn.kyodonewsprwire.jp/prwfile/release/M103866/202503246176/_prw_PI1fl_leVZ1nSE.jpg

Cognizant of its social and public missions as a logistics company, the NX Group is working to achieve sustainable societies through proactive communication with local communities and community-rooted social contribution activities.

NX Automobile Logistics (China) has been actively involved in environmental and social contribution activities under the slogan "Planting Green, Spreading Hope." March 12 is China's annual National Tree Planting Day, and the company's latest tree-planting effort was made in conjunction with this official holiday. NX Automobile Logistics (China) President Kentaro Shimoda and other NX Group employees together with their families formed a 51-strong contingent that planted 50 saplings. A CSR quiz competition and other programs were also held to boost interest in environmental protection activities and to allow employees to interact with nature, with each other and with local residents. Thanks to this event, participants reaffirmed the importance of environmental protection and increased their awareness of corporate initiatives for a sustainable future.

The NX Group will continue fulfilling its social development responsibilities by connecting people, companies and communities, and will actively work to preserve the global environment to bring about sustainable societies.

About the NX Group: https://kyodonewsprwire.jp/attach/202503246176-O1-NH95SRNE.pdf

NX Group official website: https://www.nipponexpress.com/

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